Monday 1 July 2013

CHOCOLATE is nature's way of making up for Mondays!

One of the my absolutely favorite place in Amsterdam is CHOCOLATE COMPANY in Haarlemmerdijk 158. I went there yesterday. I promise to the staff persons, that when I will married, I absolutely come to pick up my CHOCOLATE wedding cake from there. I had to also mention, that they might must wait little bit, because I am single :D We all got good laugh. So, so long time I will wait my own weddings, I will can just buy chocolate from there. Every week!

OMG how tasteful chocolates and cakes etc. they have! Can't explain enough! You have to test yourself. They have also this brilliant Choco Spoon an idea! I love their chocolate, but I love their brand image too.

And the shop - it looks like a chocolate! At the moment there is also photo exhibition of Downsyndrome kids by Photographer Eva Snoijink: De Upside van Down. And it's also possible to buy this amazing book from Chocolate Company shop.

iPad photos



  1. haha, I love your humor *smile*
    looks good, I have to go there once when I am in Amsterstam!

    1. :D i'm seen also dream few nights ago where I just joking for someone on the Wedding dress shop that's "yeah, it's always good an idea to have wedding dress, no matter do you have boyfriend or not, I don't, but Im gonna buy it" it should be just joke, but suddenly I bought it and at home I thought, that how crazy I am? And I started afraid if Im gonna start to do other same kind of crazy things :D

  2. I was yesterday last Saturday in Haarlemmerijk but did not make it to the Chocolate Company.
    Next time better :)
    I did visit the beautiful Sukha store.

    1. Did you went there with Miranda?! Because then we might quick met there, but I didn't know you! OMG, I'm sorry!

    2. No worries, I was not there with Miranda but with a friend. Maybe next time we meet :))

  3. Beautiful place and pictures!!! You can almost smell & taste this beautiful chocolate :) Love the photo exhibition on the wall!!!

    1. Oh I love this shop, I love their chocolate and yes, I loved the exhibition too!

  4. Ohh this place looks great! So cozy and tasty! Will pop in when i´m in Amsterdam.
    Thanks for shearing your beautiful pictures :)



    1. Hey absolutely this is the place where visit in Amsterdam! And before visit, you will can order chocolate from their webshop!Thanks much about compliments :)

  5. Wow great place and great pics, all credits for YOU!

  6. Maravillosas tus fotografías y con este lugar dedicado al chocolate me has terminado de enamorar: ¡enlazada a mi blog, seguro!
    Saludos desde Madrid

  7. Your Wedding Chocolate sounds delicious! Chocolate you'll be able to ne'er go Wong and blueberry, that has to are divine what surprised|an exquisite|a beautiful} surprise - several congratulations to you each - no wonder you were quiet!!!!! Steam punk - well World Health Organization would have seen that one coming back - sensible...


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