Wednesday 2 October 2013

My new industrial lamps!

I couldn't wait anymore...I had to paint them, no matter am I totally ok after flu or not, and here they are, my 3 new industrial lamps from Craft Industry which I painted to matt white. Me and my narrow, but high ceiling hall love them!

I know that those almost black industrial lamps looks amazing good also in their originally color (the last picture), but to my home and to my narrow hall they were too dark. I love white. I love MATT white.

The painting was actually very quick job - when I was painted first one once, I painted second one and then third one and then first one was already enough dry for second painting round etc. So I painted them in a one day. I could have painting factory :D

iPad photos



  1. Wow Paulina, I love them!! What kind of paint did you use if I may ask.

    1. Hey I use ALWAYS white ground paint from HEMA ;)

  2. Hi Paulina! It looks great! The lamps are sooo beautiful! X

  3. Oih! Makeen isot - näyttävät molemmat värit upeilta.

    1. Noi tummat tarvii ympärilleen enemmän tilaa näyttääkseen hyviltä. Multa löytyy täältä kotoa 2 viel'ä isompaa industrial valaisinta ;)

  4. I didn't think I could be impressed since I already thought highly of them, but they managed to top the previous job. Their attention to detail exceeded my expectations. Orlando Painters


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