Saturday, 2 January 2016


I have a fantastic big branding and styling project on going here! Something special like usually ;)

I'm the person behind the new BYPIAS website and logo layouts and now BYPIAS brand is opening their first Dutch store to Laren city, about 20min drive from Amsterdam.

The store opening is at 15th of January to this huge incredible space - have a look what a Attick space! I could want live there! All is about the linen clothing with accessories and home textiles, but also a bit about cotton, cashmere and wool!

We are creating to this 1st floor  space "linen heaven" with changing styling setups. I'm the lucky one who do the store styling to this store.

I will post lots of Behind the Scenes photos to here as it will be interesting to see how the space is coming more and more ready. I'm doing the final photos of the store too when all is ready and there is coming some more BYPIAS shoots  in advance.

So exciting start to 2016!



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